Friday, February 22, 2013

New layout and dimensions for Facebook event photo

Hey there,

Just a quickie. A colleague in a Facebook group for Social Media Managers of LGBT choruses (yeah, I know, talk about niche), pointed out a change to Event pages.

In case you haven't had any reason to look lately, most of this should look familiar. This is a screen shot from an event page for Dance Place, where I work.

Notice that brand new button in the upper right hand section? Yeah, if you "Add Event Photo" it looks like this now.

And that new "cover" photo takes the place of the "profile" photo.

Here's the thing, as is stated at inlinevision's post on New Image Size for Facebook Event Images/Banners:
It’s a simple banner so why create another template? ...because Facebook only shows a small portion of the event image on your Facebook page in the thumbnail preview for Events, as well as a slightly different part of the image on the Events listings page.
Like so.

Inlinevision has a template you can download at their site, and all they ask is for your email in exchange. But if you're a DIY kinda social media person, the dimensions are roughly 714-731 by 200 pixels. I give the range because those are the two numbers I've read.

But for uploading sake, Facebook requests that it be at least wider than 400 pixels. Yeah...I know because I tried uploading something smaller than that.

It's tricky, right? You've gotta design something that looks good when fully displayed, as well as when a cropped thumbnail shows up in people's news feeds when it's shared. Which is why you might just want to download Inlinevision's tempalte!!

So yeah, new event photo dimensions and layout. Make sure your graphic design person knows!!

- JR

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